Newcastle University's Arches magazine arrives on the iPad

An iPad edition of Newcastle University’s alumni magazine, Arches, has been produced for the first time, and is now available to download free-of-charge from the App Store.
Developed by local digital publishing specialists, Infinite Digital, the app features a range of multimedia content that can’t be found in the print or online editions of Arches.

Video interviews with 10 staff, students and alumni ask what Social Renewal – the University’s third societal challenge theme – means to them. The architect of the Year of ’53 Prize for MB BS camaraderie, Dr Geoffrey Marsh MBE (MB BS 1953), performs a poem about his year group. And an interview with English graduate and Dr Feelgood cofounder, Wilko Johnson, is accompanied by some of his music.

‘Many of our readers now use iPads and other tablets, so it makes sense to reach out to them through those devices,’ said Dan Howarth, editor of Arches. ‘And the iPad offers a very different reading experience – with the portability of print and the interactivity of the web rolled into one.’

If you use an iPad, the Development and Alumni Relations Office would love to get your feedback on the Arches app. You can download it for free from the App Store.

Please email your comments to Dan Howarth.

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