Computing Science

Industrial Visit Report - Sony DADC
We, students of EGC, visited Sony DADC on 19th January 2012. The industrial visit was valuable and important as it covered application of the subject Computer Systems in the practical world.
We were given a warm welcome by the staff of the Sony DADC, and we also received our visitor ID cards at the entrance. Then we were invited to a conference room where an engineer briefly described the history of the evolution of CD, DVD & BD (Blu-Ray) Disks, which was followed by an introduction to what they exactly do at Sony DADC. It covered a general introduction of manufacturing (replication) of optical disks. We were then taken to the lab where the replication of optical disks was taking place.
The entry to the lab was done with intensive care. Before entering the lab, everybody was asked to wear a lab-suits and shoes. Then we had to pass from a special room which is located before the entry door of the lab. This room has air blowers on the walls to blow dust and hair particles off the person’s body. Furthermore, there is a sticky sheet under the feet, which removes dust from the shoes.
The lab has various sections according to the different procedures of manufacturing. These sections are mastering, electroforming, replication, printing and testing (quality control). We visited every section and understood the different procedures.
It was time for lunch. So, the staff members invited us to the conference room where we had some pastries and biscuits. While eating, the engineer showed us the difference between a normal quality movie and HD quality film (1080p). At the end of the day, we understood the manufacturing process of an optical disk.
Lastly, we thanked the engineers for sharing their valuable time and information and left from there.

Siddhant Baviskar 
Student of Computing Science
Class of 2012


Our visit to TechFest 2012 at IIT-B

Students of EGC visited TechFest 2012 on 6th January. TechFest remained open for three days and there were various events scheduled on different days. We were informed about the TechFest well in time and so were able to plan our day there effectively. The main attraction at TechFest was a lecture by Prof. Sugata Mitra – Professor, Educational Technology, The School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences, Newcastle University (UK). His topic was “The Future of learning” and since it is relevant to technology and its advancement, we were very keen to attend. Besides the lecture, we were informed about the self-learning workshops and spoken tutorials on Linux.

Upon arrival at the campus, Mrs. Sudha Manoj, Academic Head at ECube Glbal, managed the visitor registration formalities and gave each of us a visitor ID card. We visited the exhibitions held on TechConnect. The exhibitions had different projects such as the miniature of nuclear power plant at Tarapur, various robotic projects, aerospace, 3D-GPS software, gaming, biometric appliances, etc. These concepts were extremely innovative and we took our time browsing around the exhibits. We then moved ot the lecture hall for Prof. Mitra’s session. Prof. Mitr shared his valuable experience on The Future of learning that he learnt from his famous experiment called the Hole in the Wall experiment. I found the lecture very interesting and so 
very attentive all through.

What is the ‘Hole in the Wall’? The experiment consisted of a wall that had an opening like a box through which a computer screen can be seen and there was a keyboard, which had a covering such that only children’s fingers could reach it. The experiment was carried out at remote areas where there were poor people and education for children was difficult. It was observed that when these machines were left open small kids used to wander around it, slowly trying to touch it and after some more time they start playing games on it and eventually start surfing the Internet. The conclusion from the experiment was that whenever there were computers in the form of the Hole in the Wall at remote places full of illiteracy, the kids used to grasp things faster and used to learn a lot from it. The concept of trying this globally was to test if it was applicable to people of different languages, cultures, origins etc. The experiment was successful and approved by the government that computer literacy is the future of learning and steps are being taken across the globe to educate people with the help of technology.

After this informative session, we had some lunch and returned home. A few students stayed back for attending more events.

TechFest was an awesome and electrifying event where people over the globe participated to share their ideas and projects. It has also reassured me that I am in the right field of study and that technology will play a strong role in advancement in the future.

Siddhant Baviskar 
Student of Computing Science
Class of 2012

Industrial Visit 2011 - Machinery Units

Day One

We ECube Global College students went on an Industrial Visit to Vapi & Silvassa on 7th  December, 2011. We visited three industries in two days. It was a very exciting journey. We all assembled in Thane at 7:10 am and started the journey by road. On the way, we had breakfast and continued on to the first industry Spect-Vision & Gajjar Tools Pvt. Ltd. which is located at Bhilad, Vapi and manufactures spectacles. We reached there at 10 o’clock.

Engineer explaining about a CNC
Mr. Praveen, the engineer, welcomed us and gave us a brief introduction about the company. He stated that manufacturing of spectacles starts from making frames which is made up of German, stainless steel alloy or plastic and then converted into a beautiful frame. Workers were doing their work very precisely with the machinery that was available in the factory. The software they used in the industry to make 2D sketches of Spectacles was AutoCAD. The Sketches were then converted into 3D using Dellcam PowerMILL  & Delcam PowerSHAPE to create finalized design of dye. The soft copy of the dye is then transferred to a CNC (Computer Numeric Control) which creates the dye from the mould taking approx. 8 to 10 hours and there’re some more CNCs for the finishing of the dyes. The Electron Discharge Machine (EDM), is used for fine dyes.
We left the factory at noon and went on to Ras Resorts which was half an hour away. After lunch we left for the next unit.

Store room
We visited Shah Containers Pvt. Ltd. which is located at Silvassa. This factory makes paper boxes using liner paper, which is made up of a combination of plain paper and fruited paper. They use Maize and Tapioca adhesives for sticking plain paper and fruited paper. The adhesive comes in corrugated powder, which is mixed in water and stirred for 30 minutes. This adhesive is then used to stick the sheets of plain paper and fruited paper one over the other successively. There are generally two types of boxes, a regular box and top tucked in bottom butterfly box. They are suppliers of boxes for various industries like Surat Economy Zone (SEZ) and Tesco. Their production is 300 tonnes per month.

We left the industry around 5:40 PM and returned to hotel where we enjoyed the evening with snacks followed by games and fun. Then we had delicious dinner around 9pm on a giant round feast table where we chit-chatted till 12:30 am

Day Two

On the second day, we checked out from the resort at 10 am and reached the third industry, Filter Machines Pvt. Ltd., which is situated at Vapi. 

Filter Machines Pvt. Ltd.
This factory designs filter machines for solid-liquid separation, and the filter machines are purchased by many other industries such as pharmaceutical manufacturers. They use filter clothes such as a butterfly, woven, non-woven, multi-filament, which is hung on the recessed plates and act as a main media in the process of filtration. The cost of one filter machine can range from Rs. 65,000/- to Rs.  85,00,000 depending upon the size of the filter machine, material and automation.

We let from here at 11:45 am and after lunch in a restaurant headed back to Mumbai.
It was an informative and interesting visit. As students Of Computing Science, we learned what types of software are used in companies and how they are related to machines. We express our thanks to the faculty members who accompanied us and the officials of company to gave us internal and in-depth knowledge about their companies.

Amit Varshney
Student of Computing Science
Class of 2012

Industrial Visit 2010 - Vapi and Silvassa

We the students of Ecube Global College had been on a industrial visit to Vapi, Gujarat It was a 2 day trip. We had been to 5 different industries . We had a very good experience in whole.  Two Industries were partly automated and others were  manual process units. And two of semi automated industries were : Spect Vision and Filter Machines.

This is how our visit with the Industries went: 

First Day:

The first company we had been to is the Spect Vision. Spect vision is a company owned by Gajjar group. The factory is located at a place known as Billard near Vapi in Gujarat . They are the manufacturers of spectacle frames and tools. They mostly make and deal in manufacturing of metal Spectacle frames. The machines which they have include, lathe machine, a motor run punching machine, an x-ray magnifying machine, some CNC machine i.e, computerized numerically controlled machines, some EDM machines ie an electron discharge machine and a DCM machine.

The frames are typically  made of metal or  a type of plastic called is  derived from cotton and is flexible and strong it  is produced in long  narrow sheets that are slightly  wider than the frame .the sheets are upto 3 feet long and 0.33 in thickness.

At the end of  day 1, we all returned to Ras Resorts, where we checked in for the night. The trip was very well organized by Mr. Anand Thurakhia.  At the end of the day, we enjoyed a game of billiards, and dumb charades. Wonderful evening came to an end.

The second day:

Filter Machines Pvt. Ltd. are the manufacturers of filter press, filter plates, auto filter press, semi automatic filter press, membrane filter press, clarifier, chamber filter press, pp membrane plates, pp recessed plates/ chamber plate, pp plates & frames, drip tray, accessories, filter cloth, filter feed pump. It is one of the leading filter press, automatic filter press, filter plates, filter clothes, drip tray, etc. manufacturer that is widely use in clarification, solid liquid separation and dewatering applications.

When we started the trip on 21st of October, there were 3 department groups and two Faculties, when we all returned back to Mumbai on 22nd , it was one big Ecube Global College Group. Fun and learning together was a wonderful experience with Fellow mates and our Faculties.

We all are Looking forward for more!!!

Philip Verghese – Student of Computing Science 
Class of 2011