Examination is here again!

Hi Dear Students,
Examination is here again!

Human brain is the most
outstanding object in world.
It functions 24 hours a day,
365 days a year.
It functions right from the time we are born,
and stop only when we enter the examination hall!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you feel  same as the quote goes!!!
And do you always feel WHY?? That’s Examination stress!

Many students experience heightened stress levels as examinations approach and in some cases that stress can become very acute, resulting in what many people refer to as panic attacks.
Come let us together deal with potential panic attacks, this information will, no doubt, be familiar to you since we are constantly bombarded by advice about how to improve our lifestyle, our diet, etc. which many of us ignore. Here and now, however, this could be an important tool to help you through this naturally stressful period, so please do not dismiss as something you have heard before. The advice is sound and has been proved to help in many cases.

How to prepare for exams:
  • Don't work all night - get some sleep.
  • Allow time for a breakfast before you start, or lunch if it is an afternoon examination.
  • Make sure you know when and where the exam will take place.
  • Get to the venue in plenty of time to allow you to stay as relaxed as possible.
  • Take a drink of water in with you.
  • Try not to spend too much time analysing your performance after the examination. This almost inevitably leads to anxiety since we all focus more on what we have done wrong, than what we have done correctly.
A Very All the best to all Students of ECube Global,
Take Care,


Ms Veena Badiger
Faculty Computing Science
ECube Global


  1. Thanks, Veena to provide information to the students those who are stressed during their Exams, i hope each and every student follow this strategy.

  2. "Brain functions right from the time we are born,
    and stop only when we enter the examination"
    Dis is so true maaaaan..............

  3. EGC is very considerate. We ensured that the Term III finals were over before the World Cup Finals. The students can watch the match in peace now. :)

  4. Yes stress is more in examination period,yes iam just remembering the my exam days, but there no solution how to take of stress in exams period. Thanks Veena to sharing vital information, i can utilize this information for my kid.
