Industrial Visit to SONY DADC

Our trip to Sony DADC was wonderful. There was so much new to learn. We have a Subject – “Computer Systems”, which is more of theory and less of practical.  So our visit to Sony DADC helped us understand the subject better and it was fun.

We knew what CDs, DVDs, Blu-Ray Disks are but we had never seen how the data is stored. The Engineers showed us a small presentation on the manufacturing of Disks and then later took us around the place.

Before we could enter inside the room where the production was going on we were given few clothes to wear. These were white clothes with white shoes. We had to wear these because the area we were entering was a dust free area.

We first saw how disks are made, how the melted plastic is molded and data is stored, the machines were pretty quick and created over 100 disks in 1 minute. That was followed by a cooling section and then kept on racks.

After that the disk racks were taken to another machine where shiny aluminum layer was added. After that we had the Printing process.

The Printing Process was amazing; I never thought it was that quick and easy. In this process 5 different color layers are used and then we get the final print.

After that we went to the packing place, which was the only thing that did not require machines.
After thanking the group we came home with fond memories. It was very helpful for my studies and also for general knowledge. 

Rushil Ahuja
Student of Computing Science
Class of 2012

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