News from Newcastle

 Newcastle graduate is just the job

A successful Newcastle University graduate is impressing
bosses at a North East energy firm with his business skills,
helping his team to save the company £1.5m.

1 comment:

  1. Thought of sharing an article with you all which I just came across in one of the newspapers

    How to achieve personal Excellence.....

    1. Believe in yourself : if you don't believe in yourself, how do you expect anyone else to believe in you ?

    2. Keep building your skills : the path to excellence requires constant upgrading and skills development

    3. Get out of comfort zone : if you move beyond that area of comfort even by a little bit, you start facing things which you are not exposed to before

    4. Be around the best : cut yourself loose from people who don't support you and increase your contact with people who do

    5. Set huge goals : not the normal, standard goals which you know you will definitely be achieving with a certain amount of work and effort... Aim Higher
