Learning For Knowing

Dear Students,

Since the term is over and with exams ahead preparing for examinations will obviously on your agenda. You are excited, nervous, confused, happy….and so are we!! After all you are our first batch…   It is an immense pleasure to be able to communicate to you using this blog at a very right time.

We your faculty are always here to guide you , with any difficulty in dealing with the subject so that you can put in your 100% , not stopping there this blog also gives us an opportunity to share with you some of our experiences which may help you in some ways. I personally will use this space to share with you my thoughts on varied topics which cross my mind randomly and which I think will be of some use to you tomorrow if not today ….Subjects! lets confine to the classroom. This is something general.

Students as I always say in my class : We Have Been There Done That!!!
So I cannot hold myself back to sharing with you a few things I have learnt on the road to this point that I am.

Always remember that you should study not to just pass through your terms, study them to acquire knowledge. Know your subject so well that you will never forget it. Only this attitude will help you here after. Remember as kids we never felt learning , writing and knowing things to be boring or an uphill task. That’s the way we as kids learn the most during the first few years of our life…. Keep the same approach ; the approach of a child who is always open to learning all through your life.

सर्वद्रव्येषु विद्यैव द्रव्यमाहुरनुत्तमम् ।
अहार्यत्वादनर्घ्यत्वादक्षयत्वाच्च सर्वदा ॥

Meaning - Among all things knowledge only, they say, is a supreme treasure because it cannot be stolen, it is priceless and always imperishable.

The above is a Subhashita means good speech. They are wise sayings, instructions and stories, either in poetry or in prose. Subhashita are witty and epigrammatic verses in Sanskrit that are full of wisdom.

So keep yourself open to learning , there is a world of knowledge out there. Start your journey to knowledge NOW…

Samiksha Deotale
Faculty Computing Science,
ECube Global

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